Monday, July 31, 2006

I have to pee!

This morning came and went with an early visit from a nurse seeking a urine sample from both P and I. You would think being the grown adults that we are, that we would be able to follow a few simple instructions... but this morning unfolded like we were a couple of kids in our terrible twos.

The rule that we did follow was the fact that we had to fast for 3 hours prior to the urnine sample. P schedule this appointment early in the morning so that we (more like he) didn't have to go for three waking hours without food. The time was fine, I figured that we both would get up, meet the nurse, pee, and it would be over with.

But not the case... instead of enjoying a 30 minute sleep-in, I was up at the crack of dawn and with a full bladder (probably due to the 4 gallons of water I drank yesterday). When P heard me up, he was up too with a full bladder. I tried to lay in bed and fall back asleep but the pressure on my bladder was too great. P and I had the following conversation:

Me: I have to pee...
P: You can't...

Me: I have too...
P: Just go back to sleep...

Me: I can't I have to pee, I am going to pee...
P: Just wait a half hour...

Me: I can't wait that long...
P: Fine but your going to have to drink a lot of water then.

Me: I can do that...
P: I really have to pee too, but I can hold it...

Me: I am going...
P: I really have to pee.

A few short steps to the bathroom and:

Me: Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh...that felt good.
P: *laugh*

I got in the shower and tried not to think about having to force a second morning pee out of me, but it wasn't 3 minutes into my shower when I heard P in the bathroom:

P: Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.... I couldn't hold it.
Me: *laugh*

I swear... how hard should it have been to hold a pee a few more minutes. I wasn't out of the shower 5 minutes when the nurse rang the door bell. She did 2 minutes of paper work, took our blood pressure, and handed us THE CUP.

In my head I was thinking: I've got nothin.
I headed the bathroom and sat there... dooo-da-dooo-doooooo.... anytime now. I ran some water in the sink.... and volia out came 2 millilitres of urnine. It wasn't an amount I was proud of, but I handed it to the nurse and she made do with it.

P on the other hand wasn't so lucky about forcing out his sample. I don't know what it is but most men cannot pee under pressure. P tried... and gave it a good go, but it just wasn't happening for him. He came out of the bathroom empty handed... so we waited. He drank a major glass of water and 10 minutes later, he was back in action.... he proclaimed: I did it (as if it was his first time successfully peeing in the toliet on his own). See what I mean about us acting like a bunch of kids.

The nurse didn't seem half as excited as we were, but she poured 1/16 of it into 2 small test tubes and P had to dumped the rest... probably thinking: what a waste... all that work for nothing!

We carried on with our day, and for me I have been peeing every half hour on the hour today... I don't know what I started when I forced myself to pee... but I can't keep up with this pace... I am use to peeing 2 or 3 times a day, not 10. However, thankfully toliet paper is on sale this week!

Sunday, July 30, 2006

Weekend ramblings

While sitting at home today and reviewing my day planner... I can hardly believe that July has come and gone. This weekend is the first and only weekend in July that P and I have been around home.... and I had to force myself to stay home and do some work.

I did manage to get quite a bit accomplished but I don't really have a lot to show for my efforts. I spent the majority of Saturday in the basement organizing/tossing stuff out. I love to throw things out... as there is a sense of accomplishment that comes along with a good toss.

Yesterday I was going through old tubs of things that P and I had at our apartment... I had the rationale that if I haven't found a home in the house for these items by now, then they don't belong with us. I was firing things into the garbage can like someone was paying me to do the job. It was fun... and after the purging, I took another 2 hours to organize the remaining items that were saved from the trash, until the next round of purging!

The sad part was, all my organizing efforts were done in the basement... I practically had to point out all my hard to work to P when he came in, or else he would have thought I was laying around all day like a lazy bum (which trust me, I was tempted!).

There is nothing better than a good day of organizing stuff... once its organized I love to sit back and admire my work ... pathetic... I know, but hey... its what I do!!

Other than my organizing excursion through the basement, I don't have a whole lot of news to report. While I worked inside again today, P spent ALL DAY out in the yard... doing outside jobs. Since we are preparing to go on vacation for yet another week away from home... spending the weekend at home was time well spent as our house probably won't receive this much attention until the end of August now!

Oh well... I would rather be busy then be board! Its time to call it a night... tomorrow morning we have to rise and shine to give a nurse a urine sample at 7am - the things you do for life insurance.... again, my question is... is it really worth it???

NOTE: My good friend Jamie (King) Ozerkovich turns the BIG 2-6 today... so I want to send lots of birthday wishes her way today - HAPPY BIRTHDAY MRS. O!!!

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Maxed out!

Yesterday was the fed's pay day.... and I am happy to report that my CPP deductions for the year are FINISHED! At the first glance to my bank account I thought there was definite error... but after viewing my lovely pay stub... I discovered that my CPP contributions were maxed out, and I am actually entitled to the amount showing in my bank account.


I know I shouldn't exactly be bragging about this, after all I claim a pay cheque from the very Agency that prides themselves in collecting these deductions from many harding working Canadians. It almost seems like a double standard to be celebrating the extra pocket-change, but I am not about to let a little detail like that bring me down.

I love to live in a 'wouldn't it be nice' world, and specifically today I am thinking:

Wouldn't it be nice if everyone could take home their gross pay and never have to pay deductions?

Ahhhh... that would be the life. If we didn't pay deductions then I am certain that P and I would own an island on a fabulous lake, with a nice boat, maybe a plane... whatever the case, it would would have all the upscale amenities anyone could imagine... including a pool with a swim up bar (Dominican style) and our very own Dominician bar-tender (broken english and all)!!

But then of course common-sense kicks in and I realize (being the brainwashed civil servant that I am) that by paying deductions, we as Canadians are entitled to a better life because of it.

I think it is at this point that I will fail to mention the many incidents that the government has been caught misusing taxpayer's dollars, but aside from that, our government does offer us a few services that I would not like to be without... and I don't think I need to argue my point over health care, human resources, national defence, etc.

Yes of course, everyone knows a better way things could be handle, but these people aren't in power, and so we must live with the current system.

Now... since my deductions are paid in full... my rant will stop here and I shall close by sending out a little 'Booo-ya-kah' (Double D style) to our government... to say thank you for the fact that you have successfully taken away my chance at of having my dream island for yet another year!


Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Summer Traffic

You have to love the summer traffic in the nation's capital. Usually around the first week of July morning traffic becomes a breeze. Instead of sitting on the same kilometre of highway for 15 minutes you don't even have to slow down to under 100 km/h because the majority of public servants & school teachers aren't travelling into their place of work. I find these summer mornings quite a treat because I can leave 15 minutes later and still get to where I am going at my usual time (which does not in any way imply that I get to where I am going on time!).

With all the blissful mornings we have had lately, you would think I would having nothing to blog (bitch) about, but of course this is not the case. With summer traffic also comes a lot of summer travellers driving our highways... and this morning I wanted to murder about the half the motorists on the 417.

Generally I have the 'I want to murder Quebec drivers' attitude, but this morning I had it out for two motorists from Florida, and one resident from Alberta. The morning began with one Florida motorist and his passenger clearly trying to read a map of the area to determine what direction they were going... I tolerated this action for about 30 seconds, but when the motorist continued to drive 90 km in the fast lane I had to pull a P and get on his bumper until he got the hint. It is fine if you want to read a map, but read the map on the side of the road or before you start your voyage du jour (who knew Timbo's rule for map reading would prove to be effective).

About 3 minutes down the road an Alberta motorist was enjoying a king size cigarette out the window of his 1988 Dodge Sundance... and while this would normally make me shake my head, I practically went into cardiac arrest when he proceeded to fire his smoke out his window along with a half full cup of coffee right in front of the Escape -- are you kidding me?

Finally, as I entered the downtown core of Ottawa, I happened to come up behind another Florida motorist... who I shall refer to as Cautious Carol (CC). There was a bit of construction in the Bank street area this morning, and CC seemed to be so preoccupied with the construction workers that she left her blinker on after changing lanes on Catherine Street. As we rounded the corner to Kent street CC slams on the breaks as the light begins to turn yellow, not red (not that I was in a hurray or anything), and while slamming on the breaks she decides to switch lanes again. When the car comes to a complete stop she is angled across the two center lanes (I swear if I had a Florida orange in my vicinity, I would have fired it at her). To make matters worse, when the light turns green again, she sits there LIGHTING A CIGARETTE (don't try to multi-task CC... you might hurt yourself). I lay on the horn politely, and she whips her head up to look in the rearview mirror... as if to say 'what.. can't you see I am lighting a smoke'.

Honestly CC... park your car and walk to the nearest bar... you obviously need a stiff drink to go with that smoke.

What a morning... I can see why some people are such faithful OC Transpo riders.. if it wasn't for the shitty schedule to and from Embrun, or the fact that there is no air conditioning on most of the buses, I think this morning I could have been convinced to take the bus!

Thank god Timmy's didn't have a line-up this morning or we might have had a scene on our hands!

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

If I die... if you die: 10 months and counting!

Yesterday P and I celebrated (did not acknowledge) 10 months of marriage. Now I have to ask myself should a typical 10 month celebration conversation consist of the following phrases:

if I die...
if you die...
if I die from cancer....
if you die in a fire...
if you have a car accident and lose an arm...
if you have stroke but don't die....
if you re-marry after I die....

Oh the love that is detected in a home after 10 months of marriage...!

Yes... last night we sat down with a life insurance agent and went through all of the options (I say that like its a positive thing), I mean scenarios, and we decided what was the best way to protect ourselves in the unlikely event that P or I kicks the can or becomes terminally ill and can't bring home the bacon.

After 3 hours of discussion you practically want to take out a gun and shoot yourself with all the lingo being fired at you, but of course, after last night's info-session, suicide is not covered on the plan (so you should reconsider your method and do something that would at least drop your spouse some cash!).

Insurance is so wishy-washy... it is based on 'IF, IF, IF' - and no matter what you do you can't determine if you will ever need or use a tenth of the coverage they suggest you should have.

Everyone likes to go through life hoping/thinking/believing that nothing bad is going to happen to them or their spouse/children, but in the back of your mind you have to wonder -- and this is where a good life insurance agent swoops into your head of doubt and convinces you that without some kind of insurance you will not survive a tramatic event causing death or terminal illiness - what a way to make a living.

For peace of mind... shelling out a few dollars a month to sleep better a night is fine with me - just call me Safer than Sorry Sara... but its the truth.

What's your take on life insurance, or any insurance for that matter... it all flows from the same concept. Would you rather have it and never use it or not have it at all but be faced with the consequences of needing it and not having it???

Hmmmm.... gets you thinking doesn't it!

Monday, July 24, 2006


Sorry folks... P and I took off to the cottage this weekend and didn't get home and into bed until 2 am last night... so for the sake of sparing you my incompetence aujourd'hui, I am going to basically post nothing today, and saving my time for an extra 20 minutes of sleep.

Until tomorrow!

Thursday, July 20, 2006

I've lost my small town edge

Yesterday, while strolling back to my car from the Rideau Centre... it hit me: I have lost my small town edge.

I was walking to the car in a daze, down Laurier street, when 2 fire trucks went by with their sirens blaring... and I completed the following actions:

Step, step, step, step, step, step

I saw the truck fly by me, but the thought going threw my head at the time was:

'I wonder if P ate dinner before he went golfing... ?'

I couldn't be bothered to turn my head, look up, or wonder 'where the heck are they going?'. After the trucks passed it occured to me that I have become city-ized...bye bye small town wonder (fighting back the tears)!

Growing up in Thessalon, our fire hall used to have only one way to signal a fire or emergency... a large siren on top of the hall that would go off so that the whole town would hear it. There was no mistaking when there was something going down in the streets of Thessalon.

When this use to happen, my sister and I would beg my Dad to take us for a ride so we could see exactly where the fire was.... or the times that I would be at my Grandpa Wilson's there was no begging... we were in the truck and gone faster than you can say Jesery Milk. If we couldn't get a ride to see the action first hand... we would wait 3 minutes and then walk to the corner of our street, and watch the main drag to see which direction the fire truck was headed. Every time the siren went it was big a event for the town... then the rumours would start about where the fire was, how the fire started, who was responsible for it, etc.

I can remember the time the old Davies' building burnt down in Thessalon. My parents and I were in the Soo watching my sister curl, and we got word in the Soo (60 minutes away) that the building was on fire. Ohhhhh... the chatter that went through the club... we didn't even have to be in Thessalon and the fire was causing an uproar.

Every fire that occured in Thessalon was a pretty big deal until about 1998 when the town finally invested in pagers to notify the firefighters and they got rid of the siren... but even then if you saw two firefighters in their cars at the same time, you thought yourself: I wonder if there is a fire?

This being my point... yesterday when the fire trucks went by I felt nothing, if it wasn't for a young tourist (probably from a small town) screaming 'Mommy Mommy.... LOOK... a fire truck' I probably would have been oblivious to the whole event.

The first year that I moved to Ottawa, I can remember being in residence at Ottawa U, which was located right across from the fire hall on Laurier, and every time the sirens would sound, I would run to the window to check it out. But now, as the years have passed, I don't even wonder who might have lost their home or where the fire is, as it could be anywhere or anything in this city.

I've become immuned to the busy streets of the capital and that is scary... I never thought I would see the day when a fire siren didn't at least peak my interest.... Sara Bellerose would have turned her head yesterday, but I guess Sara Coleman lacks curiosity!

What has the world come to?

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Getting caught up: Part I

Wow... it feels like I have been crazy busy lately... with vacation, and P's birthday yesterday, I have hardly had anytime to devote to this blog. These days blog seems more like a job than a hobby to me (but don't take that personally).

I have been meaning to update you with a few events that have been captured on camera the last few weeks. Once I get these photos out of the way I can get back to my regular ranting (bitching) on everyday life... but today's post will consist mostly of photos.

Our first photo montage comes from the wedding P and I attended on July 8th... the wedding of James Rolland & Stacey Benton (who are currently in Europe on their honeymoon and I am crazy jealous).

Minus the heat during the day, it was a very lovely wedding... with lots of extra details that I just love about weddings. The bride wore a beautiful dress (as you can see), and the bridemaids looked very elegant in their pale yellow dresses. The groom and groomsmen were sweatin it out in black (Johnny Cash style) ... but it was a nice accent to the girl's dresses. Anyways... enough of my Martha Stewart details... here are the photos!

Getting caught up: Part II

The second photo montage comes from our weeks' vacation at the cottage in Parry Sound. It was 30 plus everyday and my days consisted mostly of sleeping in, laying on the dock tanning, sipping some Rum Punch, taking a dip in the lake, tanning some more, and reading a good book. I did that everyday that I was there... and it was just as if I was away on a cruise ship!

My parents joined us for a few days... and we had a good visit. The cottage received a new 14 ft. patio door/window combo while they were there... but it made the view from the cottage to the lake that much more enjoyable. P and my Dad (Timbo) did a little 4 hour kayaking adventure around Rose Island (I was surprised when they both woke up breathing the next day!), and Mom and I caught up on all the Thessalon/Embrun news while sitting down at the water all day.

Here are a few pics from the week.... enjoy!

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

PC turns the big 2-8 today!

Today, P celebrates the big 2-8. I couldn't let his birthday pass without making some recognition, so we had a few guests over this evening to help him celebrate the lovely occasion!

There is not much to say... it was a typical birthday party, good friends, food, lots of laughs, and of course a little bit of drinking! Thank god it was a Tuesday and not a Saturday night, as I know my wine was going down a little too well!

Since P rarely reads this blog.... I don't need to go the extra mile with my normal mushy stuff, but of course he is the love of my life.... and without him this blog would be far less interesting... so having said that... I want to send him lots of love on this special day, and thank him for all the happiness he brings to my life (most days)! As the card I gave him said:

(on the outside)
Happy Birthday to my husband the pro-golfer ...
(on the inside)
Love your wife the super-model!

Fitting... I thought!

Here are a few pictures from the festivites!
Happy Birthday P!

Monday, July 17, 2006


Hello faithful readers.... I am back... back from vacation, and grumpy as hell. After spending a fantastic week at the cottage, I had to rise and shine early this morning to come back to FRENCH.

I left on vacation thinking French wasn't soooo bad, but after spending my days in the hot sun, taking a dip in the lake to cool off, reading a bit, having the odd nap, and just relaxing all week long, I have come to realize this morning that I am back to hating French. I know it will pass as soon as I get the 'I want to be at the cottage' notion out of my head, but for today I will continue to be miserable!!

Since I know your all dying to know what I was upto all week long, I don't really have a lot to report, but hopefully tonight, I will be able to post some pictures. Last Saturday we attended our last wedding of the summer, and it was a good time. It was hotter than Haiti for the ceremony, but some ice cold drinks fixed the problem in no time. P had a rye and coke for everyone in the building, so he was in fine form all evening long, and again the next morning, hence the reason we didn't leave for the cottage until 7pm the next night... ahhhh, oh how I love the man I married (most days!).

I will have to cut this post short to get back to my prison cell (a.k.a French class), but tune in tomorrow and hopefully I will have some pictures up from vacation for your viewing pleasure!

Sunday, July 09, 2006


Ladies and gentlemen, prepare yourselves.... I am on vacation... which means BLOG is taking a little rendez-vous as well!

For the next 7 days, you will visit here, but will not find anything, other than this sorry post. I am sorry to leave you hanging, as I know you live for visiting this page (toot toot), but rest-assured faithful readers, I shall be back!

To celebrate my first vacation since I started French training 7 loooooooooooooooooooong months ago, I decided to leave you with a little poem I composed for the vacation (public school style).

V is for vomit, which I hope not do during the vacation.

A is aspirin, which if I don't vomit, I will probably need in order to cure a good hangover.

C is cottage, where I will be for all of my vacation, a place I like to refer to as heaven. Mainly because there is no phone, it has a sandy beach, and you are free to do whatever the heck you want without having to maintain a schedule.

A is for anything, because while on vacation I can do a-n-y-t-h-i-n-g I want and get away with it.

T is for tanning. My whole week of cottage vacation revolves around working on my tan, so cross your fingers that the weather is sweltering hot so that these casper white legs can get some colour!

I is for I, because all week long me, myself, and I (and P) are going to be having a the damn good time doing nothing!

O is for options, because when you are the cottage you have options, such as: Should I lay on the dock and tan or sit on the deck and tan? Mailbu rum and spirit or a glass of wine? Get up and have some breakfast or sleep-in a little longer? Lots of options!

N is for neverending. I hope this vacation ticks by at a turtle,s pace and that when we have to return to the real world next Monday, I feel like the vacation was never going to end.

There you have it folks... my last post before we depart for the cottage! Have a great week, and if your straving for some good blogs to read, check out the sidebar, but don't forget to come back next Monday, July 17th!


Saturday, July 08, 2006

Great Big Sea

Last night to kick off a busy weekend, P and I headed to down to Bluesfest to see GBS (Great Big Sea).

It was a great concert and of course they didn't disappoint, playing all the classics! We (as in P, my friend Roz and I followed) forced our way upto the front of the stage to take in the show, and it was well worth the pushing! I think we pissed off a few people in our travels, trying to navigate our way forward with a few beers in hand (we got a few nasty remarks from a couple diehard GBS fans who were in their 60s -- relax people... its an outdoor concert, what did you expect?).

The best thing I did yesterday was put in my contacts and take the camera, without doing either of those I would have been majorly disappointed as I know the concert would not have been as good for me!

It was hotter than Haiti last night and everyone was sweating and bumping into one another, but we had a really great time in true Newfoundland fashion! If GBS ever comes back to Ottawa, I would go again, as they were great crowd pleasers!

Here are a few other pics and I took at the concert... enjoy!

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Am I a potential serial marrier?

A topic that I like to discuss often is marriage... because of course, being recently married I feel like its a big part of my life right now.

A recent report from Stats Canada discusses the likelyhood of a marriage surviving based on the current social behaviours and beliefs of Canadians. Apparently if the people are over 25 when they marry and it is their first marriage the likelyhood of survival is good - so with that said, I continue to sleep soundly at night over my marriage.

However, the article in the Edmonton Sun on this Stats Can report referred to a term that I have never heard before... and therefore I thought it might be worth discussing.

Apparently, according to the report there is only a 'tiny tiny fraction of people' who were found to have serial marriages.


Are you kidding me? Do these people who engage in serial marriages really exist?

I suppose they do... but honestly... this term is a bit much to digest for me the beaming newlywed. The thought of being a serial marrier (if that's a term) never really occured to me. I guess people don't exactly set out to have a string a marriages (atleast I hope not, although you have to wonder about a few Hollywood Stars). I guess the reality is, anyone could be a serial marrier.

The term makes it sound like those who marry frequently have the same types of characteristics as other types of serial people like serial rapists and serial killers. Not exactly the peeps I want to be associated if I become a serial marrier (not that I plan on that happening). However, I guess anything is possible, perhaps my current marriage is just the beginning of my string of serial marriages...

OH P my first victim?

Thank god from him, Stats Canada reported that most Canadians who marry will walk up the aisle only once, and fewer than 1% of Canadians will exchange vows more than twice. The statistics are in my favour, OUR FAVOUR!!!

PHEW.... what a relief! I bet my parents are loving those statistics too... their bank account can't exactly accomodate another one of my weddings, let along a string of marraiges! Don't worry... I 100% committed to my marriage, and will be with P for the long run... unless of course Kelly Hrudey frees up in the next 75 years!!

NOTE: My big sista turns the lovely 3-0 aujourd'hui... so here is wishing her the happiest of days ahead! Happy Birthday Erin!!

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Canada Day Long Weekend

Well... folks... the 1st Annual 130-O CampFest (my personal name for the weekend) has been here and gone... all in good fashion.

We arrived at the Sharbot Lake Provincial Park around noon on Canada Day, unpacked the SUV, and setup camp for the weekend. Surprisingly setup went well for P and I, mainly due to the EZ Woods Tent we had received as a wedding gift from noneother than the 130-O gang themselves. Honestly... we have by far the easiest and fastest tent there is on the market... I am sure of it.

We had some lunch, checked out the beach, and began consuming some alcohol not to far into the mid afternoon. We celebrated the lovely Miss Erin Boyd's 26th birthday with a few sparklers and some hotdogs. As evening fell upon us, we loaded up the troops and headed over to another part of Sharbot Lake, home to the Robinson's and Co. This well-planned get together included a 100 of our closest U of O acquaintances.... a good time was had by all, but the rain fell all too soon and ended the evening for the 130-O gang well before Krista Smith was ready to leave the party. After a scary movie, pitch black, trail walking scene back to the car... we called it an evening.

P and I spent our first evening in the tent as CAMPERS. For the first hour P hit the pillow hard (one too many rye) and I listened to some other tenters have a sing-a-long that went something a little like this:

Hey Keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelly, you're wanted on the teeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelephone.
Hey Eriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin, you're wanted on the teeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelephone.

Hey Beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeen, you're wanted on the teeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelephone.
Hey Claaaaaaaaaaaaaaaper, you're wanted on the teeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelephone.


This went on for a little while, before some other disrupted campers yelled: SHUT-UP (not be quiet, not please shut up, not please shut the f$%* up, just SHUT UP!!!).

As things quieted down vocally, the rain got louder, and louder, and louder.... and it began raining very (complete with thunder and lightening) for 5 hours straight. Our tent was put the test and held up beautifully, but I swear we did not sleep a wink. P and I both had to pee, but were not about to risk getting drenched over it. Finally around 4 am...there was slight break in the weather... we managed to get a quick pee in and catch some zzzz's (like 2.5) just before the birds decided it was time to start singing as the sun came up... honestly.... what a night!

However, the morning became pretty exciting when we band together as a team and made the best camping breakfast ever... complete with eggs, bacon, homefries, fruit, toast, and OJ. Although sleep deprived, we were reved up and ready to take on the day after that meal.

We spent most of the day on the beach, and then had a late lunch and were greeted by some visitors from the party the night before. Everyone stepped it up a notch in the drinking department and that set the stage for a fun filled evening, including campfire smores, and an interesting game of WOULD YOU RATHER (be stoned to death by pickles or drown to death in a large jar of mayo?).

In the early morning, park security came around to have us turn off our radio, and after the last drink was drank, the last log burned, and the last laugh had, we headed to bed. Monday morning we were up and packed up by 9:30.... home by noon, and enjoyed a Monday afternoon of napping.

All in all it was a good weekend. There are tons of stories to tell, but I am still recovering from the weekend, so I was hoping that posting some pics will give you a summary of the weekend's events, and perhaps visually you can string together your own verison of our 1st Annual 130-O CampFest weekend.


Two Soon-to-be-Mrs. Campers Posted by Picasa

Private Bathroom Break Posted by Picasa

Kenora Beer Tree Posted by Picasa

Sparkler Birthday Posted by Picasa

Long Lost Marshall Posted by Picasa

KL, P, Bee Posted by Picasa

Bacon is Cookin Posted by Picasa

Breakfast Preparations Posted by Picasa

Potential Domestic Posted by Picasa

Girls Only! Posted by Picasa

Thunder Bay vs. Embrun Posted by Picasa

Sunday Afternoon Posted by Picasa

Funny Moment Posted by Picasa

The gang! Posted by Picasa