'Tis the season... to visit Sand Road Maple Farm!
We took the boys to this fine establishment last weekend. It was a little colder than in past years, but the simple pleasures were still very much enjoyed by our family.
The beautiful part about this season is that there is still a heavy layer of thick snow on the maple trail, which means the horses are still able to take patrons on a sleigh ride, opposed to a wagon ride that is more suitable when the weather warms up. The sleigh ride is absolutely beautiful, especially with the bit of extra snow fall we've had in the last couple of weeks - its truly a must when you're there!
We enjoyed a fabulous (all you can eat) buffet breakfast stacked full of the maple musts: pancakes with maple syrup, maple bacon, maple ham, maple baked beans, oreilles de crisse, and so much more. We were stuffed after eating, but we took a walk on the maple trail and made some room for the best part of the experience... maple taffy on the snow! While the boys ran off their maple energy on the grounds, I browsed the the gift shop which had some great little finds (and very courteous staff)!
If your looking for something to do with young children, or somewhere to take your parents and grandparents, or to meet up with a group of friends and family, Sand Road Maple Road will not disappoint. Admission to the grounds is free and you can expect loads of maple syrup products to be on hand for purchase!
Here's a few snapshots our trip last weekend! We had a blast!

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