Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Happy Halloween!

Well... its over for another year!

We had 250 kids (give or take a few) between the hours of 5:30 and 8:00 pm. The weather held up and it was actually a nice night for Trick-or-Treaters, and their parents!

I have come to envy the Mini-Van! This evening we saw many of them, they would pull up at the beginning of the street, the doors would slide open and oodles of kiddies would come running to the door. We were out of chips and chocolate bars in no time!

PC and I recalled our childhood Halloween nights... and how we would have killed to live in this neighbourhood when were younger as you can cover a lot of houses without having to go too far on foot. Every child's Halloween dream!!!

PC's pumpkins were once again a hit with the kids! He got A LOT of compliments for his handy work!

Check it out!

Pumpkin 2 Posted by Picasa

Pumpkin 1 Posted by Picasa

Pumpkin 3 Posted by Picasa

How can a person screw up Banana Bread?

At what age in a woman's life, does she sit herself down and say 'It's time to start baking?'

For me, this time has not yet come, and after last night's events, I am doubtful that it ever will!

Now... baking might not seem like a feat for some, but for me, it is not my speciality. I mean I can make the store bought mix for muffins where you add an egg and some water, but baking from scratch, Grandma Wilson style, is not something I do: EVER.

However, I did take a Banana Bread recipe from my MIL (mother-in-law) about a year ago, and I had good intentions of making the bread long before now, but in my true procrastination fashion, I just never got around to it!

So... last night was 'THE NIGHT'!

Before I begin, I would like to give a little shout out to my good friend Kristy Shag-nasty Shaughnessy, thanks to the 3 months that she lived at our house, I had all the necessary baking ingredients in my cupboard: baking soda, baking powder, flower and sugar - she bought us everything when she was living with us - so without her, this Banana Bread would not have been possible.

I carefully skimmed the recipe to ensure that I had all the necessary ingredients: flour, baking powder & soda, salt, sugar, eggs, milk, vegetable oil... it was all there.

So I start measuring away, dumping in a few cups of flower, some sugar, etc. Now... I thought the recipe was going along just fine, when I realize that I have just put in 3 TBSP's of baking powder, as opposed to what the receipe called for: 3 TSP's.

Tablespoon-teaspoon, tomato-tamato... right?
I wish!

Once I recognize this error, I immediately panic... SHIT. How could this have happened? As I stare in my big mixing bowl, everything is white: flour, sugar, salt, powder... DAMN!

I rationalize the situation and figure I can try to scoop out where I think I tossed the baking powder... close to the left side. I decide to scoop out a tablespoon and a half into the garbage... that should account for the excess of what the recipe called for... hopefully.

I pause for a moment and realize PC has his Mom on speaker phone in the basement... I go quickly to the basement and pose the question 'HYPOTHETICALLY' to her: what if a person put 3 tbsp's instead of 3 tsp's in banana bread, is that bad?

To which I hear: Ahhhh? Well.... hmmmmmmmmmmm! Do you have 6 bananas? You could double the recipe?

Me: NO... I only 3 (practically in tears by now, how could I screw up a recipe entitled: EASY BANANA BREAD???).

We discuss the fact that I have removed what I think was the baking powder, and she agrees that it should be OK. But before closing the conversation she adds: Make sure you mix it up REALLY good! GOOD LUCK! (All the while she was probably thinking: Son... whatever you do, don't eat the bread! It is liable to kill you!)

I go back upstairs, thinking great, CRISIS AVERTED, and continue on with the wet ingredients portion of the recipe.

An egg, some mashed bananas, and vegetable oil. Done. Done. and Done. Beat them up, add the dry stuff, beat again... into the pan and in the oven - fingers crossed (make that double crossed!).

I decide, while waiting for the bread to bake, I will copy the recipe onto one of my recipe cards and put it in my little box. So I sit down to do that only to discover that where the recipe was folded in half, it called for 3/4s of a cup of milk:

How could I have missed this?

It was 35 minutes into the bake cycle, there was no adding it now. I break the news to PC that the bread has no chance now, and he accepts the fact that he will have to have a mini chocolate bar for dessert.

However, in an effort to see what my masterpiece will become, I let it bake for the entire time, and its looking like banana bread and smelling like banana bread. The timer goes off, the tooth pick comes out semi-clean. I let it cool for 15 minutes, cut it open... only to find the middle is doughie... but the other then that, the rest tastes not too bad, if I do say so myself!

I bring a piece down to PC, and he proclaims: It's not THAT bad!

So I salvage the ends into a plastic container, throw out the middle, and VOLIA, my first baking experience! It wasn't the greatest, but at least I didn't burn it black, like they show in the movies.

Perhaps not a tale for the WIFE OF THE YEAR award, but it could have been worse. When I left this morning, PC was in a deep sleep... let's hope he's awake when I get home, and not dead!

NOTE: Birthday wishes go out to Dad C.... he turns a little bit older today, with the rest of the Halloween skeletons! My uncle Larry also shares this day! Enjoy your day BOYS... try not to be too scary this evening!

Monday, October 30, 2006

Why are Ottawa fans so boring?

After having time to reflect on the Dixie Chicks concert and how great it was, I would like to make a short post on the state of Ottawadians who go to concerts, hockey games, and any type of public entertainment.

The majority of Ottawadians are boring... boring fans.

While at the Dixie Chicks concert, my friends and I had the chance to view a poor display of fan appeciation at the ScotiaBank Place. We were seated in section 115, 4 rows up from the floor and naturally when the band takes the stage everyone stands up and the good times begin. In true Ottawa fashion, the fans did stand for 30 seconds while the band took the stage, and then the majority of spectators proceeded to take a seat to enjoy the show.

This did not go over well with my friends and I, as we were prepared to stand for the entire concert... but when the entire section (minus 2 die-hard fans) decided to re-seat themselves, we were pretty much forced back into our seats.


There did happen to be 2 die-hard fans in the row behind us, who didn't care about what everyone else was doing, they came to stand and enjoy the concert and they did. But this choice was much to the dissatisfaction of 2 sixty-something ladies behind them. My friends and I were able to stand during a few more songs because these the girls behind us were standing (so we naturally felt more comfortable), but during one slow song when we were seated, one of the sixty-something ladies, pinched the arm of the standing girl and told her flat out 'you sit your butt down right now missy, we can't see a damn thing' (or something nasty to that effect).


We saw this interaction take place, and like a true fan, the young girl gave her a nasty look, turned back around and kept on standing, swaying to the music, and enjoying the concert!

I was pretty proud of the girl myself... she stuck to her beliefs and in true fan fashion, she showed she was proud to be in the prescense of the Chicks!

However, I am sure there are many of you out there who might not fully agree with the young girl's approach... should she have seated herself to please to elderly fan, or was she correct in sticking to her plan to stand?

Later in the show, when the classics came on, the true fans we standing, and loving every minute of it.

However, a second incident occured, between at seventy-something man, who was seated in the first row of our section. Some fans charged the stage (in a good way) when the Chicks played their controversial song Not Ready to Make Nice. This elderly man stood up and started slapping these individuals telling them to get lost because he couldn't see.

Are you kidding me?

I was livid! I have respect for elderly spectators, but in all honesty... you are the minority at the concert, if want to be seated for the entire show... move it up to the second level! I think he should have felt lucky that he was able to be seated for the majority of the concert, because if we were in Montreal, he would have been forced on his feet for the entire show.

That brings me to my main point... why are fans in Ottawa so borning? It seems to be the same story for hockey games! It doesn't matter if the Senators are winning or losing, 10 minutes left in the 3rd period, the majority of the crowd clears out -- I mean seriously... for the price of tickets to see these games, you would think it would be worth staying for every minute of the entertainment.

What do we have to do make Ottawa fans more entertaining??
How do we bring the craziness of Montreal and sometimes Toronto fans to the capital...?
Perhaps I am the only one that thinks this... maybe your happy with the state of Ottawadians and their spectating ways... either way I would love to know what you think on the subject.

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Not Ready to Make Nice


The Dixie Chicks didn't disappoint Friday night... it was a great great concert. The were no fireworks, no special effects, it was the Dixie Chicks RAW... their voices live were unbelievable... almost better than the CD itself.

I would definitely go see them again, part of the fact was that we had awesome seats... by far the best seats I've EVER had for a concert (shout out to Sparty Cat for the seats!!).

My sister was in town for the weekend on her CMA course, and so Friday night, we decided to take a chance and see if we could get her a ticket to the concert. It was our first experience with scalping tickets, but we made a damn good deal. She paid less money then Clapper, Boyder, and I did for our seats, and she got a FLOOR seat: Bitch!!! But I was happy she could get in... she loves the Dixie Chicks just as much as I do... and it was well worth the money!!!

The Chicks sang all the classics, and the crowd got reved up for their new single Not Ready to Make Nice - a song that sums up all of their recent troubles with George Bush and the American government's position on war.

All in all it was a great concert (I think I may have mentioned that already) .... here is a short video from the concert and a few pictures. Enjoy!

DCX 2006 Posted by Picasa

DXC 2006 Posted by Picasa

Friday, October 27, 2006

Wide Open Spaces

Tonight's the night... The Dixie Chicks are in town and I am going!

I have been looking forward to this evening for a really long time, and its finally arrived! Clapper, Boyder and I are off to see the Chicks tonight at ScotiaBank Place and I know its going to be a great time! We wanted to find three identical cowgirl hats for the occasion, but didn't manage to get out and shop a lot before hand, so we are just going to have to be loud and rowdy if we want to get noticed tonight!!!

I will hopefully get some pics up on here for you tomorrow (if I can remember to bring my camera)!!

The majority of the Dixie Chick's songs are good for me right now, the words can really describe my frustrations with French - Not Ready to Make Nice, Takin the Long Way, Ready to Run, So Hard, Cowboy Take Me Away, Wide Open Spaces... and many more!

This week has kinda been crazy... my complaints about French training have finally come to a head, and short of me having a nervous breakdown in some lady's office yesterday, I think some changes are going to be made, so I am feeling a lot better about my situation today.

The beat goes on...!

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Wife Duty #113: Deal or No Deal?

Last week, PC lets me in on a little dream of his: he wants to own a Caddy. In today's world, that would be the CTS Cadillac.

I didn't think too much about the request, until last Friday when he tells me that he stopped in at car dealership where he saw a used Caddy and he wanted to see how much it was, etc. Turns out it wasn't really in his price range, but he told the salesman to keep him in mind if 'a good deal' came up on one similar to it.

Saturday, he gets a call from the same salesman, telling him he has found 'a really good deal'. Now if you know PC, he can't really turned down a good deal... so he agrees to go and check out the car on Monday. Last night he returns home from work in this:

He agreed to take it home and discuss it with his wife - ME. This is where my rant begins today... why is that the WIFE always has to be the deal maker or breaker. I am happy that I have husband who at least consults me before making a major purchase with our money... but if he has to return the car to salesman, and no deal is made, it will automatic be chalked upto 'my WIFE said NO DEAL'!

Great... my decision not only weighs on me, but on the reputation of wives in general.

We spent last night touring around the bright lights of Embrun in 'The Caddy', I got to drive it, and I can't deny that it felt pretty damn nice - what a sweet ride, but in all honesty... its hard to think that we could actually be the owners of this car, as it seems like too much of a luxury car for a young married couple.

The other factor I am having a hard time coping with is that fact that if my Grandma and Grandpa Bellerose were still alive today, the would have definitely owned this car - they were luxury car drivers in their 60s, so being 26 I can hardly believe that I can own something my grandparents would love.

We spent the remainder of last night crunching numbers. Obviously, the price was not right to start off with... and some things will have to be negotiated... and by negotiated I mean, PC has A LOT of work to do (but if anyone can get a GOOD DEAL out a salesman, PC is the man!).

Things are up in the air... I am trying to sell the point to PC that maybe were not ready for such a luxury car at this point in our lives... and that perhaps in 5 years we would be more suited for a Caddy. But I am pretty sure the boy has a dream and he's going after it, so we will see how this one turns out!

Stay tuned!

Monday, October 23, 2006

There's a storm brewing...

Here is the view from the upstairs window of our house.

I could have taken this picture on any day during the last 3 weeks, and it would have turned out exactly like this one.

This photo basically describes the bitchy and depressive mood I have been in for the last few weeks.

French is probably the worst it has been since I started. 10 months in and I feel like I haven't accomplished too much, nor do I feel like anyone at the my training instution gives a damn whether I succeed or not. What happen to the Miss Kirby's (my grade 5 school teacher) of the world, when teachers were generally concerned about helping their students succeed in the world - even Madame Ritchie (my public school French teacher) would have given it her all to make sure I at least felt like I was accomplishing something.

Every day I roll into school I feel exactly like this picture.... you can see a storm brewing, but you are just wondering when its going to hit and what its going to destroy!!

Not sure if the weather network will actually cover the events of my storm, but not to worry, I will keep you updated if I do actually destroy something!

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Exhausting Weekend

No matter how much I love the game of curling, it can be exhausting sometimes.

This weekend we played in the Arnprior Cash Spiel ... and although we were playing today at 12:30, we didn't manage to get into the money! A little disappointing, but to some degree that's curling - highs and lows!

The weekends that I spend away from home, I always feel behind when Monday comes around. Usually my weekends are spent cleaning the house and do some organizing and odd jobs around home. Its Sunday night and I can barely get up enough energy to wipe off the counter... let alone think about actual cleaning.

Tomorrow I know when the alarm goes off it will be a battle to start the week, but hopefully this week will be low key and I can get to bed early a few nights and actually get back some of my positive energy (because lord knows I've been feeling a little negative lately!).

Positive engery doesn't exactly make for very interesting posts, but hopefully I can come up with something half decent for you, for the rest of the week!

Thursday, October 19, 2006

STRIKE ONE & Birthdays

So... doom day came today with the not so-suprising results that although I can parlez en français... I apparently can't do it at the intermediate level that the government deems necessary.

I chalk it up to: STRIKE ONE.

I didn't have a whole whack of confidence going in, but I didn't think the interview went horrible either ... however... it was just a stepping stone, one that I didn't step too far on, but it was an experience, and the next time (and the next time and the next time) I will know what to expect!

In other news... today my MOTHER celebrates her XX birthday. To be honest she falls into the 50-something category... and we will just leave it at that!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOM... hope this year treats you well!!! See you in a few weeks!

As well, on the birthday scene... Lesle LuLu Cafferty (my lovely curling skip) is also celebrating a b-day today... she is in the 30-something category... and again, we will leave it at that!!! We are curling tonight and rumour has it she might break out the birthday suit for the final end of the game: trust me... I will have pictures tomorrow if it happens!!

Wednesday, October 18, 2006


This post is for the Coleman family.... so faithful readers, bare with us!

Immediate members only:

Mom C
Dad C

In recent weeks we have drawn names for the 2 annual Christmas draw. I pledged at that time to set up a little forum where members of the family could post some gift ideas that they would like to receive in the draw. This is not manadatory, but if you would like to end up with a smile on your face christmas morning, as opposed to a frown... this would be your opportunity to do so!!!

To post a comment, click the comment link directly under this post and type in name, you can leave email & URL slots blank, and then type in your ideas below. When you are done, click PUBLISH.

Volia... others can view your comment by simply clicking the comments link below this post.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

How often should a person frequent the grocery store?

In the last few months I have taken a different approach to my grocery shopping, instead of doing a big grocery shop every 2 weeks, I have tried to go to the grocery store more frequently.

I have read various penny-pinching laws about grocery shopping more often ... apparently according to some so-called financial experts... the more often you visit the grocery store, the less likely you are to over spend, as you only get want you need when you need it. Large grocery shops less frequently mean that you buy a lot at one time, but sometimes end up throwing out a lot of what you purchased because you did end up needing it or many fresh products went bad before you could eat them.

I will admit that I have been less likely to throw out food lately, because I only buy what I need, but at the same time, when I am at the grocery store more frequently I notice more changes and new products. I sometimes purchases things I don't really need, but products that I would like to try.

As well... if I don't end up going to grocery store every second day... then I find there is nothing on reserve in the freezer to eat. Over the last two months, PC has cleaned out the freezer, because he couldn't find anything fresh to eat in the fridge. I think this forces the issue that we order more pizza because there when we look in the fridge, and I haven't made it to the grocery store in 3 days... pizza delivery is the easiest, quickest solution.

It's quite a dilemma as you can see!

I think I roughly end up spending $30-$40 dollars every time I go to grocery store for little trips... which is about 4 or 5 times a week. But in a big grocery shop I would normally spend $200 every two weeks... so I have to wonder, is the more frequent shopping worth it, or do I spend the same amount of money anyways when I make 5 little trips.

What is your take... ??

Monday, October 16, 2006

It's over!

This morning was my dreaded Oral Interaction in French.

It came, it happened, it went, and I don't feel the least bit good or bad about the entire thing.

One good thing is that I was not completely mortified during the interview, but I wouldn't say I displayed any exemplary skills en français. However... it's over and that is all that matters.

I will wait 4 or 5 days for the results, and I will definitely let you know how it went. But for now, I will just relax and pretend that life is great! Key word: PRETEND!

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Young Drivers + Cell Phones = TROUBLE

I was pleased to hear that an MPP from Oakville is hoping to pass a new legislation that will ban young drivers from using cell phones (and other electronics) while behind the wheel of a motorized vehicle (see story here).

I personally think this legislation is a good move by the government, as young drivers have enough on their minds when learning how to drive, without having to worry about multi-tasking with their electronics.

Heck... why stop at young drivers... lets include all drivers. I myself know I am a hazard to other drivers on the road when my cellphone rings while driving. I am all over the road when I have to reach into my cluttered purse, searching for the vibrating object that is always located in the last corner I paw at.

Then once I located the damn thing, I have missed the call, have to check to see who called, re-dial the damn number, while all the time reducing my speed for 130 km/h to 80 km/h. Then as I reach the person I am calling, I regain my original speed, and wonder why people are giving me the finger (and trust me, if you do this to me, I am giving you the finger too).

I know... some of you are thinking: god damn women drivers, but let's not forget you businessmen trying to type a short response on your blackberry while on a major highway. All genders of drivers are up for debate here!

But back to the fact that this new legislation concentrates solely on young drivers. When I was learning how to drive, the last thing I needed to be doing was dialing up someone on the phone to chat while I tried to take the S-curves between Bruce Mines and Desbarats (those of you from Northern Ontario will know what I mean). This legislation will go a long way to help the province produce better young drivers, and I personally think we will see a reduction in accidents that involve minors.

The bottom line for me is kudos to the MPP who came up with this idea, and lets hope Dalton and his friends can get it together long enough to get this bill passed!

Saturday, October 14, 2006


It's been a bit of a pretentious week for me... I have spent the majority of it bitching to the higher gods about my discontent with my language training school - hence the reason my posts have been few and far between - please accept this as an apology!

The majority of my complaints were valid... but fell on deaf ears, which is frustrating to say the least. My language evaluation is on Monday MORNING (T minus 2 days) - and for those of you who know me well, you know what a pleasant person I am in the MORNING.

I am trying to take a calm approach to it... go to it, let my butchered french loose, and see what the evaluator has to say... I mean I think I have been through worse things in my life, so I am not beating myself up about it.

I will say, that Friday afternoon was one of the most encouraging and useful afternoons I have had in a long time. I spent the afternoon with a new teacher in a 2 on 1 session... I talked and talked and talked, and it turned out to be the most beneficial 3 hours of my entire french career.

I am thinking that if I do acheve my B level on Monday, it will be thanks to this one teacher. He did more for me in 3 hours, then 7 other teachers have done in 10 months. Scary!

At any rate, I am not my usual self right now... I am trying to remain calm, listen to some French television and talk out loud around the house. That's pretty much been the weekend in a nut shell - so you will have to excuse me for a few more days while I get through this next francophone hurdle.

One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Happy Anniversary Mom & Dad

So... 32 years ago aujourd'hui... my parents exchanged wedding vows.

My Father promised to love, honour, cherish, and chauffeur my Mom around town, all the days of his life, while my Mother vowed to be with my father in good times and in bad, through sickness and in health, through nights of snoring and afternoons of leaving his milk glass by the chair, and his dirty laundry on the floor.

Okay... so perhaps those weren't the exact vows, but I am pretty sure it was something like that.

The old couple has been off camping this past week, celebrating 32 years of marriage. Here's for hoping that Timbo remember it was his anniversary today, or the forecast may be extra cold this evening in the trailer!!!

At any rate... Happy Anniversary Mom & Dad!
We love you!

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Pep Rally

Calling all cheerleaders.... please report to this blog immediately.

I am fed up... literally, my French training could not be going worse... the school I am at (Interlangues - don't ever ever ever go there) is convinced that doing NOTHING, ab.sol.ute.ly nothing 4 days before my first oral interview is a best practice for passing the exam.

I could scream, I am screaming.... this is me screaming:


So... alright, I know we are in different worlds and you can't hear me screaming, but if you were in my home right now... you would be telling me to shut up. I am pretty sure this why my husband went to ref early this eveing... he was sick of me complaining AGAIN.

BUT... back to the cheerleading thing. If anyone use to be a highschool cheerleader, from C.A.S.S. or some other dysfunctional highschool, I could really use a cheer. Something like the old:

B. E. A. G. G. R. E. S. S. I. V. E:
(I think the old squad will recall that one).

Anyways... whatever you got... just stand up from your computer and give it all you got. I could use your enthusiam and energy (because mine is non-existent). Whatever you got, share it, PLEASE. I am begging you... or at the very least, just chant along with me:

(now for the seperatists out there... that was I HATE FRENCH, not I HATE the FRENCH).

And the truth be told, I don't hate French, I actually like it, but I have a general dislike for the training institution I am being held captive at (which comes as no surprise to my faithful readers).

I am sorry for all the complaining and discontent that I have filled this blog with lately, but I figure better to put it out there than in a suicide note... if ya know what I mean!

I am going watch some lovely French television and talk to myself outloud in the mirror - good times... good times!

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Final Product

I'm finished... actually make that a 'we're' finished!!

PC and FIL worked outside in the yard today assembling our new shed... I went to Home Depot and picked up some more paint as we were running low on the second colour. I got the second coat on this afternoon, and I just finished putting the room back together now.

PC has gone to ref... and I am ready for bed!

Take a look at the finished product (the computer pictures might not do the colour justice). I absolutely love it. The colours came out even better than I expected... I will definitely be painting more bedrooms soon (well maybe not this month, but within the next six months) ... bye bye builder paint!!!

Work in progress

So its midnight... and here's where we're at:

I am pretty sure I don't want to be on Trading Spaces anytime soon... I don't know how those people do it in only 2 days... and its a lot more than just painting!

Final coat in the morning... see you then!

Friday, October 06, 2006

And so it begins!

For the longest time I have wanted to paint my bedroom... the entire house has been the same colour since we moved in.... its the borning old builder's paint... thankfully its not white, its cream, but cream in every room gets to be a little much and frankly I'm sick of it.

I carefully chose the paint colours I wanted for the room after months of deliberation. Yesterday I went to Home Depot and got them mixed, today I went back to Home Depot and got all the thing I forgot... an extra roller, extra tray... tape, edger roller, etc!

Before I arrived home PC called me at school with some good news... my FIL (father-in-law), who just happens to be an expert painter was coming over to HELP us (in this case... HELP could be defined as instructing two non-painters on how to paint a large room, or HELP may also be defined as painting the entire room, while my son and his wife stand around and watch me). Like I said... it was good news he was coming over to HELP!!!

I decided instead of standing around and watching FIL paint this entire time, I would whip off this post for my faithful readers... and for your viewing pleasure I have included a start picture of the task at hand. I will keep you posted as things progress.... stay tuned!

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Over the counter meds for FEDS!

Let me start this post by saying that I am very grateful to have a medical/dental plan through my workplace benefits. The coverage is awesome... BUT (and as my friend Erin reminded me Tuesday... Dr. Phil's theory on the word BUT is to forget everything I just said before the word BUT, and focus on what I am saying after it!) BUT... this week PC has been sick... not a drag me to the emergency on my death bed type of sick, but the I want my Mom, some chicken soup, and to stay in bed all day type of cold/flu - not to mention, hacking up some pretty disgusting shit through the course of the night.

I have managed to avoid contracting this flu bug (but I imagine in time I will come down with the aftermath cold, as a result of being married to the source of the cold... but that is not really important to this post), BUT... what I have not managed to avoid is spending $150 dollars on over the counter meds to remedy this cold!

I know you may be thinking what could I have possibly bought that cost $150, so I would like to tell you... that it wasn't much at all.

It turns out that every cold remedy medicine we had in the cabinet was practically empty. One Advil cold & sinus pill, and a 1/4 of a jar of Vicks Vapour Rub wasn't going to do much... so I headed to local Jean Coutu, and loaded up on Tylenol NyQuil, Fisherman's Friend, some cough strips that the pharamacy lady recommended, Tylenol Cough tablets, and some other cough drops. $60 worth of meds. I left there thinking: this will sooooooooooo do the trick.

I get home and PC took pretty much one of everything through out the course of the day... but as we headed to bed he informed me that everything I brought home, didn't really work for him, so the next day, I headed to Shopper's and got a big-ass bottle of Advil Cold & Sinus (why I didn't go with my gut instinct on the first pharmacy purchase, I will never know!). I also purchased the NEW gel caps package of Advil Cold & Sinus as the pharmacist told me they would work better for men. $40 dollars later I was home again, and PC was still sounding pretty awful.

Yesterday, PC called me at school to say he would wanted some Benelyn Cough & Cold syrup as he was out. So... I made a second trip to Shopper's and picked up a big bottle of it, some Vicks Vapour Rub (as we were completely out), and this Benenlyn Plug-In contraption that the pharmacist said was her saving grace two weeks ago (saving grace...okay - SOLD). $45 dollars and I am home once again - although PC was out like a light, I put the plug-in in the wall and in no time my eyes were watering (all the while I was thinking, this better be working for him!).

This morning I awoke and VOLIA, PC awakes still not feeling the best, but definitely not coughing up brown chunks, and sounding a bit more like himself (as opposed to an 80 year-old man with a collapsed lung) - so I was feeling a small victory with my Plug-In remedy... but needless to say... what did all this cost me? $150 BUCKS.

I think the benefits package people need to start offering some coverage for over the counter meds. No... PC didn't need a prescription to cure his cold/flu, but I can tell you that I definitely didn't budget for $150 dollars worth of over the counter meds.

It may seem greedy... and as I said, I know we already get great coverage through our medical plan, BUT if the benefit package decision makers happen to be reading this little rant... all I am asking is that you take into consideration, the amount of money public servant families expense to over the counter meds... throw us a bone once in a while.. $100 limit per year or something measely to start out with... then we can stage a walk-out or a full-blown strik during our next collective agreement baragining sessions - and I can carry a huge sign on the picket line that says: OVER THE COUNTER MEDS FOR FEDS!

Easy now ... I know all you private sector folks out there want to throw a few tomatoes at the screen right now... but simmer down, its just a suggestion - and like I said, I am perfectly happy with the current plan, BUT no organization would be healthy if weren't open to a few changes... a girl can make a suggestion can't she!!

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Are the points worth it?

Okay folks... need your opinion here.

As you may know, I am always on a crusade to find small ways for saving money. Like for instances, whenever I can consolidate bill payments into one single payment I do... (i.e. Bell Mobility, Bell Sympatico, Bell Telephone), meaning 3 bills paids at the same time, but recorded as one transaction in the banking world.

Now my new crusade is Visa/Mastercard. There aren't too many Visa's out there that don't offer you some sort of points reward system. For example... I am currently a Shopper's Optimun Visa point collector... but lately in my wifely duties of SHOPPING, I have discovered that Shopper's Drugmart is expensive, and the although when I can use the points its fun, I can buy half the stuff I need for a lot less at Walmart, Jean Coutu (who take Airmiles) or the local grocery store. I have pretty much resigned to the fact that Optimum points aren't worth it. So I am looking for something new.

PC and I also have PC Points Mastercard... no annual fee, and you redeem your points for free groceries every once and while... so far its been a good deal. But again, it takes a while for the points to add up, and I find in one swipe of $140 grocery bill... they are gone!

Now we are on a hunt to find one credit card... with the most benefits... and we are headed towards the TD Travel Visa... but there is an annual fee of $120 a year. Before we were married, PC had this card, and we actually use the points for a pretty nice weekend in Montreal FREE (well... you know what I mean) before he cancelled the card. Looking back on it, it was awesome.... we stayed right downtown, parked, and ate without opening our wallets!

So... this is the part where you the faithful readers weigh in... is paying an annual fee worth if for a credit card... in the case of TD Visa... you get point for every dollar you spend, and the reward is this case if free vacations... or should I stick with a no annual fee Mastercard, for the reduced cost of groceries every 8 to 10 months???

I am leaning towards the TD Visa, but you may persuade me otherwise... let's hear from the peanut gallery!!

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Sorry ladies...

In a male vs. female world, I would normally stand with my torch planted firmly on female ground, but this morning, the male gender (namley PC) would have had a field day on one woman driver.

As I came into Ottawa, I had the pleasure of driving behind a woman who was applying her make-up the entire way through stop n' go traffic. While stopped she would quickly grab a brush and begin painting on her eyebrows, then realize traffic was moving... speed up... slam on the breaks, and then continue painting.

Honestly... it is these types of women who give good drivers like myself (toot toot!) a very bad reputation.

Part of me wanted to slam on my breaks abruptly for no good reason... just to have this lady slam into the back of me... so that I could say: Officer, I was just being a cautious driver, while Cat Eyes back here wasn't paying any attention to the road.

If make-up application is so important to some woman, why don't they take the extra few minutes at home and do it, or at least wait until the car is parked until they start painting on eyes and lips.

Most woman have the desire to look presentable at the workplace... but for god's sake sneek in the back door at work and apply the makeup in the bathroom before heading to your office, if it is that much of a priority for you.

While I tend to support my fellow females, this is one battle that I would have to award to the males. How unfortunate.