2012: Year in Review
While I am thankful for the overall health and happiness of my family and friends, I can't say that I am totally upset to see 2012 come to a close. Its been a stressful year... balancing family and work life, struggling to see the upside of Budget 2012, a few unexpected visits to the hospital, and overall financial challenges of raising our young family. There have been highs and lows like any year, but in the end I am home with my three favourite people tonight and looking forward to everything 2013 has to offer.
As I ring in the new year I want to be better organized in all aspects of life, so I can inhale the little things in life... mainly just spending precious time with my boys, and being present in their lives while they are at such a fun and inspiring age.
As I look back on 2012, I am thankful for all of the little moments I have been able to share with you via this blog, and I am thankful that you continue to check up on me every once and a while (minus the crazy stalker types)!
So here is 2012 ... in review.
Here goes nothing (back to work)
Birthday Wrap-Up
Fun on the Rideau Canal
Dramatic First Haircut
So long preschool!
Truly Blessed
Mixed Emotions
24 Pounds of Trouble (H starts walking)
Best job in the world!
We have a soccer player!
130-O Reunion Weekend
Everything happens for a reason
A couple of firsts
E's First Day of School
Lucky Number Seven
Emery: Age 4
The birthday project for Mom
Hudson: Age 2
E's First Christmas Concert!
Merry Christmas!
So long 2012... and all the best to you and yours in 2013!

Labels: blogging, traditions
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