Tid-Bits Thursday
Let's see... I think I should probably start off with the desk update.
1. I have ordered a desk and a new bookshelf, and it should be arriving tomorrow at some point. Thanks to everyone for their lovely suggestions, I did check out all of the sites, and made some in person visits to see a few of them. I contemplated a few new ideas, but ultimately I fell in love with a new desk that was added to the office furniture line at Staples not that long ago. It's a dark espresso colour and I absolutely love it... it has ample storage for all
2. Still off the coffee.... but ramping up my tea intake rather rapidly these days.
3. Lululemon is having some crazy warehouse sale here in Ottawa that started this morning. I am hoping to get the tonight or tomorrow to check it out. I have no idea what to expect, but I would imagine that this AM there would have been some caddy woman lined up at the entrance ready to tear out some hair in order to get some super cheap merchandise. I was blessed with receiving some Lululemon Gift Certificates for Christmas and my Birthday... so I feel like I don't need to buy too much at the warehouse, but if the price is right, I could be convinced to get a few more items - afterall, you can never have too many comfy clothes.
4. I worked from home yesterday, and boy do I ever love my job on the days when I can stay home and review a news release and a speech in front of Regis & Kelly. Really... I think it made the week for me in terms of work. It was productive, yet enjoyable - and I don't get too many days like that, not to mention, I got eat lunch at home, and start dinner on my break... just made for a great day/evening all together.
5. 27 Dresses... must see movie for chicks. My girlfriends took me out to celebrate my belated birthday and we went to see this flick... what a great movie. I love love loved it - laughed my ass off during the 'Benny and the Jets' scene! I don't think I am a big fan of Katherine Heigl, but in this movie I really enjoy her character! Yes, the movie was predictable, yes, it may have been sappy at times, but this is what woman really enjoy. SUCH A GREAT MOVIE - a definite buyer for me!
6. Ray Emery. I love this guy... people in Ottawa love to hate him, but I like him. Yes he's cocky, but deep down he's just a young guy trying to make it the NHL. The media here in Ottawa are having a field day on his tardy behaviour over the last few months... I happen to think, what's 5 minutes in the grand scheme of things - relax people.
7. Weekend plans include... setting up the desk, and trying out PC's new La-z-boy Recliner (which also arrives tomorrow). Saturday we will be attending a wedding reception in downtown E-ville, and then Sunday is the Superbowl - which means sweet f-all to me, but PC has plans to attend a party, so I will be enjoying the La-Z--boy and catching up on some Oprah on the PVR.