Dear Baby Boy-to-be!
Your pending arrival is only a few short weeks away, and I can't wait to meet you!
Its been awhile since I had my first peek at you... you were only 8 weeks developed when I got to meet you on the ultrasound screen, and while I was somewhat shocked at your creation, my love for you began from that day and has only grown with every month I've carried you.
Your Dad and I got to see you again at 13 weeks, 20 weeks, and a final peek at the 32 week ultrasound, and I am so happy to see you're developing just as expected.
Your Daddy and I decided to find out if you were a boy or a girl, and we were overjoyed to learn you are a baby boy. Not only do we have some experience with parenting baby boys, we also know a great role model for you in your big brother Emery. We are thrilled that you two will be close in age, and hopefully the best of friends as you grow up (but that's for you two to work out!).
My pregnancy with you has been fairly routine... you are much more active than your brother was, and often times when E and I are reading stories, or playing 'choo-choo's' you give me a nudge or a kick just to let me know you are part of the group. I really can't wait to have you physically in my arms to hold you and love you and introduce you to E in person.
I am so curious to know what you look like and see to if you look like your brother or more like Daddy's side of the family. By the looks of your lips on the 32 week ultrasound, you and E will have that feature in common, but I know you will have your own distinct features as well, and I can't wait to see them!
I also have a special place in my heart for you, the second child, the baby of the family. Your Dad and E have the first-born thing together, but you and I will be tight on the second child stuff and I am fully aware of all the pros and cons of being the second born in a family, so not to worry my sweet boy, I'll have your back!
One thing I want you to know is that no matter what you do in life or what choices you make, your Daddy and I will be here to love you, support you, and guide you, whatever the circumstances may be. That goes today and everyday we have with you. We truly are blessed to be able to bring you into this world, and we know that being parents to two special boys is a privilege we will not take for granted.
I know I have a bit of anxiety about going back to the newborn stage of parenting... but between the four of us, we will work through it, and I know we will have our routine down in no time.
Yes, my sweet sweet boy... you will be in my arms in a matter of weeks, and there are so many people who can't wait to me you, and get to know you. You are a lucky little man, and I can't wait to introduce you to our family - you will complete us and make us a wonderful family of 4!
All my love...
Labels: family, pregnancy, The Sequel, things I love