Saturday, March 17, 2012

Happy St. Patty's Day

It's that time of year to break out the green and consider ourselves Irish for a day! When I was in University, St. Patty's Day meant you were in for a foggy evening and a miserable hangover, but since I've had kids, its more about finding some festive shirts and an excuse to snap a few pictures.

This year's shirts came to the boys via a bestie's mother (shout out to Mrs. Vicky Boyd), who designed these sweet little shamrock tie shirts.  I LOVE them, and the boys did too! Since they were white, I saved them for today to ensure they stayed white, but yesterday, I sent the boys in some other festive green shirts with a batch of shamrock cookies for their daycare friends.

We are having fun celebrating the luck of the Irish... and I hope you do too!

Happy St. Patty's Day!

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