Sunday, July 27, 2008

King-Nelles Wedding - Evolution of Dance

A few weeks ago PC and I attended the King-Nelles wedding, for friends of ours, Will Nelles and Joyce King. It was an outdoor ceremony, followed by some good times indoors at the Riuniti Hall in Sault Ste. Marie.

Me, being pregnant, I wasn't anticipating anything too fun, since I can't drink, and dancing is becoming increasing harder as well, but this wedding proved to be a lot of fun even for the sober guests!

The ceremony was beautiful, the bride looked stunning... as did the entire wedding party. The reception was so much fun! After the meal was served, and some funny speeches were given, the dancing began... and that is when the fun really started.

I was waiting to make this post for this wedding, in hopes that the video on You Tube would be up and running ... and today it is, so you must check it out. Will and his lovely Mom Marilyn did their take on the 'Evolution of Dance' video - and it is not to be missed (see below). PC and I, along with 300 other guests were entertained to the max with their 8 minute choreographed Mother/Son dance. We laughed so hard at the reception, and watching it again this morning was like we were there all over again!

Great job Will & Marilyn, and congratulations Will and Joyce on your marriage!

If you can't view the You Tube video on my blog, click here:

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