Nothing but dust!
There is nothing but dust on the 'Desk of Sara' - its pathetic, even by the standards of the world's worst housekeeper (I'm sure)!
February has been a shit month. Sounds harsh... but its the truth. The nasty flu bug hit me at the beginning of the month, and then our daycare had a similar bug at her house, and last week E had it too. This bug has been around the block and back again, and has really taken the life right out of me.
Slowly but surely I am climbing back into regular life, but from a blogging perspective, I haven't felt like blogging in a while - and I haven't even felt guilty about it either. A bold statement I know... but I hope you aren't completely offended.
Lots has been going on. At the end of January, I attended the Scotties Tournament of Hearts opening weekend in Sault Ste. Marie and had a great time. The curling was good, and I just enjoyed being 'home', spending time with my family. PC and E didn't make the trek to the Soo... so it was kind of weird being their on my own, almost taking me back a decade - weird, but nice.
The first week of February was when I was attacked by the flu bug, and it stayed with me for a good 5 days. When I did come around, PC and I did manage to take E out on the Rideau Canal, for his first taste of Beavertails and Winterlude. He loved every minute of it, as did PC and I. We haven't skated on the canal since before we were married, so it was really nice to finally do it again, and with E - I want to make it an annual tradition.
Mid-February I got away for another weekend (PC if your reading, put down the calculator, I know I owe you a weekend or two - and I know you already have plans in the works to collect'!). This weekend getaway wasn't too far... just to Cornwall, for a fun ladies spiel. I curled with some old club mates from the Rideau CC, and we had so much fun... we lost in the final, but I did take home a great prize - a new fancy schmancy coffee station, that I LOVE. And, it was so nice to see some friendly curling faces that I have missed over the last two years!

Speaking of which... back in the day (Janaury 14th) I turned the big 3-0 (which to my credit, I drafted a post on 30, but haven't yet finish it, but I digress). So... the big 3-0 happened, PC threw me a surprise party, and I was surprised for sure - so much that I took it upon my self to become the party's designated shooter girl - not a good move when your 30 - you end up paying for it for the next
Overall, February has just seemed run down yet busy. Work is busy too... and I guess when you are either off sick, or home with a sick child for a good third of the month, it gets even busier. I have also had play dates in there, 130-O activities, family functions... and when you put that all together in the shortest month of the year, plus two weeks of steady Olympic coverage on the tube... you get ... Dust on the Desk of Sara!
There may have to be a name change for the blog if this keeps up - but don't worry you'd be the first to know! Hopefully March is an all around better month... although I definitely don't like the sounds of March Madness - yikes!
***NOTE*** Thanks to many of you for inquiring about the status of blog in the last few weeks... and especially to Mr. Wall tonight for making public mention of it on Facebook! That really got me going Darcy! The readers owe this post to you my friend!
Labels: blogging, Curling, life of a working mom
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