Hard to believe, but tonight at 10:52 pm, E was exactly 2 months old. In the last two months lots of things have happened - yet I struggle to remember what they were! Mostly, my little boy has developed quite the personality. He is starting to make more sounds, is more alert, and is pretty particular about what he likes and doesn't like (already! I have no idea where he gets this from).
We are charging forward with the EASY routine, and it is getting easier... we are almost sleeping through the night, another hour each night and I think I would be a content woman!
Some days are definitely harder than others, but I wouldn't trade the opportunity, to be at home with E for an entire year, for the world! He is really the joy of my life (and PC's)... and at only two months old we are so very proud of him!
Here are a few shots from today on his 2 month b-day, and a few others from the month of November.

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