Wednesday, December 19, 2007

It's a record!

My shopping is FINISHED.

Yes... peeps - it is ONLY the 19th of December... and I am finito. I can hardly believe it myself, I am so happy PROUD - yes, I am so darn PROUD of myself - because this never happens, EVER.

This weekend was super productive by way of Christmas shopping. Friday night after work I was able to make a few stops en route to the Keith Urban concert (separate post to come on that), and then Saturday morning, PC and I got up fairly early for a Saturday, came in to Broadway's for their million dollar breakfast, and then hit the malls for a few hours, and pretty much cleared up the entire list, with the exception of 1 gift.

Today... that gift was purchased, and provided I stay out of the ditches on my way home this evening, it will be wrapped and placed gently under the tree by 8pm this evening.

The only thing left to do after tonight will be to transport the gifts to their final resting place, and then watch with anticipation on Christmas morning, as they are ripped open by the recipients!

I am so beside myself right now. As a procrastinator, this is one for the record books!

Where are you with your shopping? Have you had it done and wrapped for a while now, or are you still out there on a mission for gifts?
