Thursday, March 01, 2007

Pay it forward!

This post is a shout out to the one generous teacher at my French school (Interlangues) who offered to work with me one-on-one today, without receiving any pay for her efforts.

I have to say, this morning has been by far the most rewarding 4 hours of French training. Seriously... we hammered through some tough questions this morning, and I was super impressed with my capacity to parle français ce matin!

This is really all thanks to this little gesture that one person made... I know that no matter what the results are tomorrow, she has definitely contributed to my success and confidence going into this mother of an interview and because of this I feel the need to somehow pay it forward.

I will be forever grateful for her help.... the world really needs more of these people, and I hope that in the future I will be able to do the same for someone in need: offer to help in a difficult situation even though there isn't really anything in it for me.


Ahhh.... its nice to feel some good energy!
One day to go.... so I am gonna keep on truckin!!!

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