Monday, January 29, 2007

Purging Old Electronics

I have taken the 'get organized' approach to the month of January, and in my true procrastination fashion, since January is near-over... I am racing to get everything accomplished before Wednesday.

Tonight I was tackling some old drawers in our office/spare bedroom. I didn't think this task would be too difficult until I came across all of our non-used/old electronic equipment.

Take for example my bass boosting Hitachi Walkman from ooh 1989. I remember the day I got it, I was so excited... but now 15 years later, its still hanging around, I don't use it, but I don't like tossing it out in the trash... it seems like such a waste because it still works (and who knows maybe they'll bring back the tape as form of modern technology in 5 or 10 years)!

Then... there is PC's old film camera (I love it... OLD film camera - LOL!) its in perfectly good condition, only 4 years old, top-of-line (imagine), but we don't use it. The film camera happened to be in the drawer located right beside our first digital camera which we also don't use (we have since upgraded to bigger memory, better zoom model). These cameras are still in great working condition, but the Coleman's have out grown them.

In the third drawer, I came across our extinct MP3 players... since PC and I were spoiled with ipods this Christmas, we are not using the old MP3 players... but again, they are in great condition. One I think I can probably pond off on my Dad (that's an offer Dad, if you're reading).. and the other... well, I will have to search for a home.

All these items brings me to my point for this evening, how do you purge your old electronic equipment? I just don't know what to do with it... I guess eBay is an option, but I don't have the time for that, let alone worrying about the shipping, handling, etc. I know my Mom is probably reading thinking YARD SALE YARD SALE... but I am just not that type of person... again, I don't want to bother with the hassle, although I know there is money to be made.

Along with the cameras and MP3 players, I have an old printer, a DVD player, a VCR, and a disc-man... all of which could be used by someone, but I just don't know who.

A few years ago I contacted a company which recycled old computers which were then donated to schools and/or under privileged families in the area... but now I can't seem to locate that business. Does anyone know a good place to donate these items... or a non-profit organization that could use this stuff?

Any of suggestions would be worthy at this point... as I only have until Wednesday to finish organizing!!!!
