Friday, August 04, 2006

Can blogging ruin a marriage?

Stats Canada has been busy these days giving validation to something P bitches about weekly.

Yesterday's article in the Ottawa Sun entitled: Wrapped in the net, web steals time from relationships, details the findings from a survey that states: heavy web users -- those online more than an hour a day -- spend half an hour less with family than non-users.

Great... P is always saying to me that I am always on the computer... yida yida yida... and that the free time we have together I spend blogging, reading stuff to blog about, or sending email, instead of with him. Now... this little survey just gives him more power to keep his argument going.

The article goes on to cite a psychologist who thinks that: 'any of those things that take you away from relating to your spouse has a long-term impact on the quality of the relationship'.

Geee... if my marriage fails I just hear P in the court room now: 'I believe I am entitled to 90% of the assets as she was too busy on the Internet to put an effort in our marriage'.

I think it may just be the time of year... as I never hear this argument when hockey season is in full swing... in fact P should be thankful I have this blog to turn to on those cold winter nights, when the hockey arena is occupying the majority of his time.

Thankfully the Ottawa Sun gave me an article to fight back with, as a recent PhD candidate, Jeffrey Boase, is defending his thesis on e-mail and social networks. The article, Social lives saved by the web, believes that while the Stats Can survey indicates people are losing time with their loved ones because of the Internet, it may be the contrary, in which heavy internet users are actually being more social then they would be without having access to the net.

I like to think Jeffery's little thesis holds some weight, more weight than Stats Can... as in my case, if it weren't for me blogging, emailing, etc., I would be far less interactive with my peeps, and more likely to loss contact with many of you. In the winter months when PC is off reffing, I could be at home bitching, instead of happily drumming up posts for my faithful readers.

The way I see it, this blog is a win-win situation for everyone. Keep up the good work Sara!

Thanks... don't mind if I do!

NOTE: This post comes to you today from scenic Thessalon, where P and I are vacationning (LOL!) for the next 10 days. More to come for the scenes of Thessalon's famous community weekend!