Saturday, February 05, 2011

Good Great Friends

What would life be like without great friends?

On Thursday night, I was out for dinner with three of my besties who I haven't seen in quite some time. It was a belated birthday dinner celebration for me (but really just a good excuse to get out for dinner for all of us), and it could not have come at a better time.

I have been in a bit of a funk lately, the "I have two kids" reality has sunk in, and while its going well, its also a reality check that this is MY life. The ups and down of parenthood have hit me this week... newborn baby, sick toddler, and sleep deprived parents, makes for a *lovely* combination of 'joy and happiness' in this household.  I did not leave the house since the Friday before, so was finding it hard to be energetic and cheerful when I can't pay for two minutes of downtime, but yet I do my best to pick my battles and hope for a better combo of everything next week (although it grand scheme of things, I know its not. that. bad.).

Now... where was I going with this (Mommy brain)... oh yes, great friends.  I had a long overdue scheduled outting with the girls and we spent two hours laughing (and at times laughing so hard I was almost crying). Nothing lightens my mood like some good girlfriend banter... I can't even begin to share what we were talking about, because I don't remember half of it, but I do know that leaving the restaurant I had a permanent smile on my face the entire drive home. Seriously, these ladies make me laugh and smile, and it was a great break from a trying week.

Girlfriends are the best medicine... and I am so thankful to have so many great girlfriends ... even those that I don't see very often or live miles away, but I know that when I do get a chance to catch up with them, they brighten my life!

Thanks ladies for a great night! It made Friday's outing of lugging two kids to the doctor with me that much more bearable (which is a whole other blog post for another day).

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