Monday, November 02, 2009

Monkey Business

This may be a biased opinion but we had one cute little monkey roaming around our place on Saturday night! Halloween was a success, and our monkey was quite excited to see all of the trick-or-treaters at the door. One group of 7 year-olds, thought this little monkey looked pretty 'gangsta' on his John Deere tractor! We had a good laugh over that.

Our monkey played himself out pretty easily, as he was at a late night birthday party the evening before for his Grandpa C (Happy 60th Dad C), but all in all he enjoyed dressing up and seeing the kiddies! Hopefully next year, we will get out to a few houses and actually collect some treats for this boy!

Not much time to say anything else, so I will let the pictures do the talking.

I hope everyone had a Happy Halloween, and that you got lots of good treats!

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