Packing lightly... with kids!
For a few weeks, I have been saying things to PC like... 'I plan on packing lightly' or 'the plan is to pack lightly', or 'if we pack lightly...' or 'by packing lightly we can...'. Its one of those... who are you trying to convince type conversations, and clearly the answer is ME, because today I broke out the kids bags and started my quest for 'packing lightly', and I came up short... by. a. land. slide.
Seriously. I started with E's clothes, and I am pumped that his summer stuff from last year still fits him, so I thought this packing lightly thing would be in the bag (no pun intended), because, I know his clothes well, and what goes together, and what it practical, etc. But, apparently, what I don't know is that I love everything I kept from last summer, and I don't need his entire summer wardrobe with us for a measly 8 days in the sun.
You should have seen his bedroom floor today... I had matchy-matchy outfits everywhere, then play wear, then swimwear, and lets not forget all the accessorizing hats and shoes. I mean god forbid if he had an outfit without the proper matching hat and sandals.
This is seriously how I think. I'm *ahem* trying to get better at not caring what my kids are wearing, but frankly I am so far from letting that ship sail, that I'm about to be tossed overboard.
I want them to look nice pretty much all the time, and I'm picky when it comes to what they wear (and I have a hard time letting anyone else but me dress them, but that's a whole other post). So basically, having a variety of clothing that looks nice and packing lightly are NOT the best combo.
I managed to get E's wardrobe paired down to a few - okay...
I didn't even begin to tackle H's wardrobe, which *should* be easier given that he has a lot less to work with, and then there's myself. Given that I haven't had to wear regular (non-maternity) summer clothes in two years, I won't have much to pack, so maybe... just maybe, I can pack light for one of us!
The good news is... now that we are traveling by air with two kids, so in addition to PC, we get two extra bags and two extra carry-ons. I'm thinking packing lightly with kids must mean packing what is necessary and then having a little extra room just in case we decide to... SHOP!
Do you have any tips for packing lightly with kids? As you can see I will take all the advice I can get on this one!

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